

We all have a friend, loved one, significant other etc. who you could easily be the protagonist of this story: at first encounter they were never inclined to do the “church thing,” but through encouragement, prayer and the incredible power of the Holy Spirit a truly transformative movement took place in their hearts and brought them to a...


Grace in the Valley


We all have a friend, loved one, significant other etc. who you could easily be the protagonist of this story: at first encounter they were never inclined to do the “church thing,” but through encouragement, prayer and the incredible power of the Holy Spirit a truly transformative movement took place in their hearts and brought them to a new level of closeness and intimacy with Jesus. My “possible awaits” story is one of renewed gratefulness, spiritual growth and spiritual revival.

I’ll be honest, when I first came to Citizen Heights on a hot summer evening at a 6PM service due to the prompting (or nagging…) of my sister, I was skeptical at best if I would enjoy or even comeback again. I was disenchanted and honestly disheartened by my church experience as a child. Rampant with judgmental theology and downright shaming of common faults in this fragile human experience of ours, I was completely turned off from church. I can’t honestly remember what was preached that day but one thing I can remember is tearing up during worship (to my honest shock and surprise) and then the overt love and acceptance displayed by everyone I came across which caught me off guard to say the least.

Fast forward three years, through attending the Growth Track classes I began serving on Team. I don’t even know why I decided to serve, it was just something my heart was urging me to do so I did. I had built very few relationships and I did not feel connected at all so I served, yes, but with a spirit of “I HAVE TO serve” versus “I GET TO serve.” Serving and being a part of a team helped me build many genuine relationships and that encouraged me to have a desire to serve others which turned into a desire to lead.

I went from not wanting to spend a minute in church, coming and going as I pleased, and never being fully engaged; to now being a Citizen Youth leader, leading a small group, assisting in the College Coffee Break mentoring, and being a Service Coordinator. Never in my life would I imagine I would be coming to church 2-3x a week and waking up in the early hours of the morning just so I could serve others. When you hear “possible awaits” sound out through the halls of this church, it isn’t just a catchy phrase, it is something I am living proof of. My heart has been changed from the inside out by what I truly believe was the Holy Spirit and I thank God every day for this radical transformation. 

The Stories


Build your Foundation

The McAlistErs

Believe Bigger



The Boschmas

Through the Process



The Power of Sharing Your Testimony! The Bible reveals two mighty weapons in our arsenal against Satan’s accusations: “the blood of the Lamb” and “the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12:11).