“… [d]espite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37- 39 (NLT)
I refuse to carry the weight of anxiety, or agree with the lies of the enemy, misinformation or human panic. I choose to stand on the word of God and walk in faith in regards to this outbreak. The love and peace of God stands guard over my mind, heart and body. We declare and pray for Godly answers for help, peace, medical discoveries, scientific break-through, governmental strategy, relief and healing to end this virus.
God’s perfect love casts out ALL fear. Thank you for your love and for your compassion. Thank you that you are holding my heart in the midst of the storm. Help me to not operate in panic or reaction to fear that is so easy to embrace. When I hear bad reports bring back to my remembrance your report. I believe your report! The report of the Lord, is a good report. I am called to live and not die. Help me to stay grounded in the truth that you are protecting me. Thank you that you are giving me a full life to live and an appreciation for each day.
Thank you Jesus that you paid a price on the cross for divine health because of that I can stand in health. My immune system is strong. Your promises have given me peace of mind AND wholeness of body. God is my rock, strong tower and defender. You will protect me and my household, my church family, my neighborhood, my workplace and country from this virus. I know panic and pandemic is not your will or story for my generation.
I ask for wisdom today, and your Word says if we ask for it, you give it generously! Give me wisdom and discernment in practical matters of relationships, personal hygiene, when to travel, when to stay home, and how to manage my life in the midst of this outbreak. Help me to find ways to be spiritually connecting in the midst of social distancing. Help me to make Godly decisions, walk in confidence and pray bold prayers for myself, and for others.
Help me, God during this temporary recession of finances and resources. Help me to walk in your blessing, your economy and your resources that are available in my life. I declare what I have stored will keep me through this time, and if I have not stored, I pray you help me to have unusual breakthrough circumstances to help me in life. I declare you are my source, and my resources are yours to direct, for the blessing of others.
I will be God’s (washed) hands and feet, to serve others. Help me not to isolate from others, but help me to offer love and connection even in the midst of threat against our safety. Let my reaction to this threat not be of disconnection but the opposite spirit, which is to love and be creatively and sacrificial present in my relationships, church, career and every place I am called.
Thank you Jesus that you are the head of the church and in this season, you’re continuing to build your church. The church is your bride. The church is your body. The church is people. The church is what you’re building! The church is more than a venue or social network. It’s a spiritual family and we need a sense of that family now, more than ever. God, we ask you continue to build your church. Give wisdom to church leaders, creative solutions for unique obstacles, resources for mission and purpose and vision to continue. We know you are not hitting the pause button during this time, but rather this will be a season of reaching, rallying, serving and helping more people than ever before.